
Bio Azospirillum Powder

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Azospirillum is atmospheric nitrogen fixing bio-fertilizer, which applied to soil, quickly germinate into vegetative cells. It helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen in large quantities and makes it available to plants. Our Azospirillum increases the yield of plants. We offer Azospirillum in the product name Bio-Azospirillum It helps secrete phytohormones in the plant root regions, which facilitate the growth of strong root. It can replace 50-90% of the nitrogen fertilizer required by plants.


  • Strains isolated & cultured from local environment for best result.
  • Induce vigorous root growth in early plant. Create Immunity against soil borne fungal infection.
  • It Improves soil properties and sustains soil fertility.
  • Special effects on paddy, increases the yield of 15-40%.
  • Nitrogen fixation in the rhizosphere through the action of nitrogenase enzyme.
  • Fortification of the soils with bacterial metabolites and by secreting growth promoters.
  • Azospirillum sp. Have the ability to fix 20-40 kgs N/ha.

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