an ISO 9001:2015 & an ISO 14001:2015

Certified Company


It is developed as a nutrition product based on bio technological methods. It act as a nutritional supports during critical stages of plant growth by providing essential nutrient in easily available form.

Seaweed extract : 85%w/w
Hydrolyzed : 10%w/w
Other Ingredients : 5%w/w
Total : 100%w/w
  • It helps crops to overcome stress during critical growth stage fruits developments etc
  • It improves quality & yield.
  • Promate plant growth by stimulating cell division
  • Compatible with most of all pesticides/fungicides.
  • 2ml In per liter of water.
  • 250ml
  • 500ml
  • 1litre.


Shiv Appt., Opp. DIG Bungalow, Camp, Amravati, Maharashtra, India - 444602

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