an ISO 9001:2015 & an ISO 14001:2015

Certified Company


Special Huma + is used on various crops namely Wheat, Soybean, Cotton, Paddy, Pulses, Citrus, Banana , Grapes, Tomatoes and other Vegetables & Fruits.

Humic Acid : 12%w/w
Bentonite Granuals : 88 %w/w
Total : 100%w/w
  • Improves soil structure by making the soil more porous , permeable and aerated.
  • Improves germination of seeds, root development chlorophyll and vitamin content.
  • Improves uptake and translocation of micro/macro nutrients, chlorophyll and vitamin content stabilizes pH.
  • Induces early maturity by enhancing enzyme activity.
  • Encourages the development of beneficial soil micro organisms helping pants to resists drought.
  • Resulting in higher yields and better quality of crops produce.
  • 4 kg /Acre.


Shiv Appt., Opp. DIG Bungalow, Camp, Amravati, Maharashtra, India - 444602

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